
Vendor Opportunities

RFP: Recycling & Reuse Measurement Study

R&E is soliciting proposals from proposers capable of meeting the Partnership’s need for a professional consultant to conduct a study on recycling & reuse.

RFP: Recycling & Reuse Measurement Study – Addendum Two

RFP: Recycling & Reuse Measurement Study – Addendum One

RFP: Recycling & Reuse Measurement Study

Ongoing Opportunities

RFP: Waste Management Technical Assistance Services

Ramsey/Washington Recycling & Energy (R&E) seeks more than one vendor to provide technical assistance services as part of its program, BizRecycling.

Waste Management Technical Assistance Services RFP – Addendum One

Waste Management Technical Assistance Services RFP

Materials from the pre-proposal conference held on March 12:

Pre-Proposal Conference Recording

RFP: Outbound/Inbound Truckload Services

Outbound Truckload Services RFP

Inbound Truckload Services RFP