RFP: Employee Benefits Services
R&E is seeking proposals for employee benefits insurance coverage.
Benefits Services RFP Addendum 1
Addendum 1 Census + Job Titles
Employee Benefits Services RFP | Attachment 4: Pricing Worksheet
Employee Benefits Services RFP | Attachment 5: Life Insurance Census
Employee Benefits Services RFP | Attachment 6: R&E Experience Report
Employee Benefits Services RFP | Attachment 7 – Life and AD&D Certificate
Employee Benefits Services RFP | Attachment 8 – Short Term Disability Certificate
Employee Benefits Services RFP | Attachment 9 – Long Term Disability Certificate
Employee Benefits Services RFP
RFP: Waste Management Technical Assistance Services
Ramsey/Washington Recycling & Energy (R&E) seeks more than one vendor to provide technical assistance services as part of its program, BizRecycling.
Waste Management Technical Assistance Services RFP – Addendum One
Waste Management Technical Assistance Services RFP
Materials from the pre-proposal conference held on March 12:
Pre-Proposal Conference Recording
RFP: Outbound/Inbound Truckload Services
Outbound Truckload Services RFP
Inbound Truckload Services RFP